Friday 23 September 2011

Blog Post #1

"A good book should leave you... slightly exausted at the end. You live several lines while reading it." ~ William  Styron

I chose this quote because it intrigues me. It is a story, within a story. Imagine you are reading your favourite book. You are very involved in the story, not being able to put in down! As you are speedily turning the pages, you are creating memories and a new story, that could only be happening then. You could not go back and change it after it is published, as with any story. You are probably wondering that this new story is! It is what you thought or did during this time of reading. Your facial expressions, clothes you wore and how you did your hair. It could be as simple as how you were enjoying this novel!

Another thought is the movie "Inception". In the movie, you are in a dream, within a dream, within another dream. It is kind of the same idea, but with novels.

This quote symbolizes reading and literature in general. The world is full of stories waiting to be told, and that is why I chose this fantastic quote.


  1. This is a good quotation choice for good reasons stated.

    Which book have you read recently that made you feel exhausted after finishing?

    Although I like the font you chose, could you make it a bit bigger, as it tends to be a little more difficult to read clearly.

  2. I thought that this quote was a really great choice! Clearly from the reasons stated, it really spoke to you. Awesome Job!

  3. This quote is so true! Sometimes, when you're reading a really great story, it's hard to differ your life from what's happening in the story. This quote is fairly similar to the one I chose! Also, I thought I would add that 'exausted' is spelled 'exhausted.'
